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  1. The GSAF Club will consist of the following officers:

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Secretary/Treasurer

  1. Additional club positions which shall be appointed or filled with volunteers.

1.       Liason Officer

2.       Communications Office

3. Chief Technician

  1. Nominations and Elections will be held in the month of September.
  2. Officer terms are for 2 years, but changes can occur as the situation dictates.
  3. Officer terms begin immediately upon selection.
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  1. President

1.       Presides over Officers meetings.

2.       Presides over club meetings.

3.       At the discretion of the President, responsibilities may be delegated as needed.

4.       The President cannot over-ride or veto any decisions made by a majority vote of the club members, but can vote to break a tie.

5.       The President is authorized to spend up to $100 of club funds unless an emergency arises.

  1. Vice-President

1.       Assists the President.

2.       Represents the Club when the President is unable to do so.

3.       Presides over club meetings when the President is absent.

4.       Coordinates all shows that the club is involved in utilizing club members, coordinating with the appointed Yardmaster.

  1. Secretary/Treasurer

1.       Receives deposits and takes responsibility for all monies collected.

2.       Keeps club checking account up to date.

3.       Provides a Quarterly financial report for Officers meeting.

4.       Coordinates with the Communications Superintendent on Club Newsletter.

5.    Insures that all checks written have two officer signatures.

  1. Liason Officer

1.       Coordinates with the President monthly on the Club Newsletter and sends newsletter via mail, e-mail, etc.

2.       Helps with preparing announcements for upcoming events, meetings, etc.

3.       Helps the Club Secretary keep the Club roster updated at least twice a year.

4.       Keeps Club and Officer meeting minutes.

5.       Keeps a historical scrapbook of events, meetings, newsletters, etc.


A.      Meetings are held when deemed appropriate and neessary.


  1. Membership dues are to be paid between August and November of each year. The dues are $20.00 per person or $30.00 per family.
  2. Members who do not pay their dues by the end of December will be considered inactive.


  1. Every effort must be made to be ready at show-time with all modules operating and trains running. Members track, switches, and pins should be clean and ready before the show begins.
  2. Members should make their individual modules as interesting as possible. Members should be prepared to answer questions the show crowds might have.
  3. Members need to schedule themselves to be at their modules as much as possible during show hours to operate their layout and trains.
  4. Members who do not have modules at a particular show are encouraged to help with set-up, tear down, monitoring the nodules, and running trains.


  1. 2 mainline tracks will run straight through all modules. Mainline tracks must use rubber roadbed.
  2. Clean up after eating during show hours. No food or drinks should be left on modules.
  3. Members are responsible for their own modules. The Club will provide the table skirting and, where necessary, the plastic retaining walls for corner modules and yard modules.